Types of Consultancies
CORAT continues to undertake evaluations of different types. These include evaluation of development work that the client has undertaken (e.g health services, gender in development, peace and reconciliation, advocacy networking, etc). The current trend is increasingly moving towards participatory evaluations with CORAT consultants being invited to provide external input and independent view.
CORAT has been invited to facilitate studies leading to establishment of Projects/Programs Some of these studies involve looking at the various actions taken by the target CR0 e.g. financing, cost, managerial and administrative decisions. The studies often involve evaluation of options presented before informed decisions are made.
This is an approach to consultancy that offers a way of working with and addressing the key issues that affect Church organizations. The approach focuses on the capacity of an organization to strengthen itself continually and uses an appropriate mixture of interventions depending on the stage and the context of the organization. This approach to consultancy goes deeper into raising organizational issues e.g. culture, power, etc, that traditional consultancies very often do not raise. The focus of these consultancies is about change and renewal.
From time to time, CORAT Africa facilitates consultations on issues of relevance to the CROs. Some of these issues draw from experiences gathered from the consultancy assignments. The main objective of such consultations is to improve on the quality of CORAT’s services through listening to the experiences of those organizations who are the main recipients of such services. The consultations also provide an invaluable opportunity of bringing together a number of CROs that are enabled to discuss particular issues of interest to them and thereby tapping into their knowledge. By encouraging such encounters, CORAT is essentially giving voice to those who have the capacity to make a difference in their own communities. These issues have been in the field of health within the context of CROs, organizational strengthening processes and sustainability, development practices and HIV/AIDS.
CORAT has the capacity to offer other specialized consultancies including strategic planning and learning processes; organization restructuring and realignment; policy development e.g. financial, human resource, peace building and conflict resolution processes, planning, monitoring and evaluation methodologies, etc