Learning and Capacity Development

CORAT Africa, Learning and Capacity Development (LCD) exists to provide professional non-academic training with the goal of improving the human capital capacity, processes and systems of churches, church-related organizations, civil society organizations, and so on, in order to build organizations that are efficient, effective, results-oriented, and fit for purpose. CORAT Africa training programs are founded on Biblical principles for effective management and leadership based on the understanding of stewardship, accountability, integrity and love.

Why CORAT is the Pan African choice

  1. All courses are based on research findings
  2. All our participants receive NITA accredited certificates that allows them to accumulate CPD points
  3. Well-developed and user-friendly e-Learning platform that gives life time access to e-Learning materials
  4. We have a wide pool of qualified and experienced facilitators that deliver exceptional training services
  5. Participants gain immediate skills and competencies that are transferable to their work environments.
  6. We understand Africa – we have a strong international presence and draw participants from Africa and beyond.
  7. Visible and tangible transformation – The impact of our training programs in Africa has been very profound, and has transformed the lives of many, churches, and organizations
  8. We have outstanding conferencing and accommodation facilities
  9. We are centrally located in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya which is the hub for UN operations in Africa and within proximity to most tourist attraction sites including the Nairobi National Park, Elephant Nursery, the Giraffe Centre and Mamba village among others

Training Programme categories

  1. Pan-African Residential courses: these are run annually at the CORAT Management and Development Centre (CMDC) in Nairobi, Kenya. Participants can opt to reside or commute on day release.
  2. Online Courses: Engaging virtual training provided to client groups or organized by LCD.
  3. In-Country Courses: Courses organized by LCD and held away from CORAT premises in other countries and regions
  4. Tailor-made courses: these are organized upon request from churches and other organizations whose duration and venue are determined by the client organization.

Long Courses(2 - 6 Weeks)

Learning and Capacity Development
3 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
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Learning and Capacity Development
2 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
3 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
4 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
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Short Courses(5 Days)

Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
5 Days
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Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
5 Days
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Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
5 Days
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Learning and Capacity Development
5 Days
5 Days
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Online Courses

Learning and Capacity Development
1 Week
Learning and Capacity Development
2 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
2 Weeks
Learning and Capacity Development
1 Week
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Learning and Capacity Development
1 Week
1 Week
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Learning and Capacity Development
3 Weeks

Try our Elearning platform today

For further information contact;

Learning and Capacity Development

